ANFAL Co can help you to take the first step to establish a business in Bahrain
We can to Help you to Expand your business by adding a new branch
ANFAL Co can help you renewing all companies types CR
We can help you n renew all your CR activities
ANFAL Co can help you renew CR without a license
We can help to register or renew your Bahrain Chamber Membership
ANFAL Co can help you to revive your CR even after it has been deleted by law
ANFAL Co can help you to Change the commercial address of your CR
You can modify or change your existing company commercial name
You can change your company's capital data
We can help you to modify or change your commercial company group name
We can help you to licensed you to open your commercial premises for 24 hours
You can restate the company’s memorandum of association or some of its articles
ANFAL Co can assist you to Change the company’s legal form to another company's legal form without making any changes to the company's data
You can change or modify the company's period
You can register a mortgage on the company's shares or add/ modify/ delete the mortgage
You can add activities or delete registered activities on your CR
You can sell or assign the individual establishment to another owner or change the CR's legal form to another legal form with a change to the company’s data
You can add, delete, or update the partners' or shareholders' information
You can add, delete, or update the authorized signatories' current information in the company
You can add, delete, or update the directors, board of managers, and board of directors information in the company
You can add or delete the representative for only individual establishments (ICR)
You can make more than one service to your CR at the same time
You can delete your CR without a license after issuing the CR without a license and before its due date
You can close your business by liquidating the company, including the whole branches
You can delete any branch of your CR
You can change the status of the deleted by law CRs to deleted with payment after paying the outstanding amounts
ANFAL Co can remove the violation registered on your CR
This service allows you to inquire on the submitted request